Good morning…

Over the phone, my faraway friend saw into my seasoned soul, reflecting back my deepest truths (see yesterday’s post Our Community of Trees).

  1. I am settling into a place I never wanted to be planted.
  2. God is growing in me a gift, the gift of expressing the invisible things none of fully understand.
  3. My trust is growing stronger than my fears, and this internal shift sends healing properties out to everyone nearby.

I will unpack these truths one by one, over the next three days, over the next three posts.

First, I was happily settled in the tiny town of my dream when God called our family back to the big, bustling city of Atlanta, Georgia. Nestled in the one-street-light village of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, God taught me what it meant to love and be loved, up-close and mutually. Looking back, it is if the LORD handed me a personalized dixie cup of rich, nutritious soil the moment we unpacked our family of six in that close-knit community. The seed of my true self felt safe to grow roots, and soon the seedling of my soul sprouted authenticity. Yet after two enriching years, my childhood dream of raising our kids near family and close friends ended as God’s dreams for my future began.

My friend was right. I dreaded moving. I never wanted my cozy, little dixie cup to be uprooted and replanted in this large, lavish container of Atlanta, Georgia. Against my will, I learned by experience: We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided (Proverbs 19:21, CEV).
