
Good morning…

At 2:47 am, I am drawn outside by the light of a full moon. Brilliant. Bursting. Beaconing, “Come see.”

I step out into the chilly cold of January 7th and spiral down into new epiphanies.


How did I not know that January 6th is the celebration of Epiphany? Along with Christmas and Easter, Epiphany (when three Gentile kings are drawn by a star to the Christ child) is the third Christian holiday commemorating the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ, the light beaming forth in the darkness for all people. I have gone to church all of my life. I have been married to a minister since 1987. I have worked in a church myself since 2006. Until yesterday’s epiphany, how did I not know that January 6th is Epiphany?

I should have known. I should have noticed. The lightbulb should have gone off in my brain before now, since January 6th is a very significant day in my own personal life. After four dark years of infertility along with four painful miscarriages, I finally gave birth to our firstborn son. On January 6th, 1995, God’s light of new life dawned in our family. I texted our oldest son yesterday, “I just had an epiphany, you were born on Epiphany!”

After two years and a day, our firstborn daughter arrived on her due date, January 7th, 1997. Now ages 28 and 26, our two oldest of four continue to illuminate God’s light in my life, day after day, year after year. Basking in the light of tonight’s fresh full moon, I love this epiphany, “I first gave birth on Epiphany!”

Immersed in the practice of creating,
    all things that exist were birthed in Him.
His breath filled all things
    with a living, breathing light—
A light that thrives in the depths of darkness,
    blazes through murky bottoms.
It cannot and will not be quenched (John 1:3-5, VOICE).


P.S. Both of our oldest kids work for Campus Outreach, raising their own salaries, sharing the light of Christ with college students at Georgia Tech. Turning 26 years old today, our daughter comes off our family’s insurance and needs to raise additional funds to pay for her own medical insurance. If you would like to learn about her life-giving ministry and possibly become part of her support team, please let me know and I will connect you with Tessa.