
Good morning…

For thirteen consecutive years, our Women’s Ministry at Northside Church hosted an annual gathering each spring. We called the well-attended evening event the “Women’s Lenten Communion Service.” Each year, we would invite a different woman from our faith community to share an uplifting talk about some pressing issue we might face in our lifetime. Together we tackled many important topics. Cancer and our journey through. Divorce and remarriage. Mental illness in a family system. Losing a beloved child. How deeply friendship matters. Prayerfully discerning God’s call upon our lives.

In early March 2020, we hosted our gathering as usual. Then, WHAM, by the end of the month the worldwide pandemic shut down our normal habits. Unable to gather in large groups, we discontinued this annual practice, which was always scheduled the Tuesday night before Ash Wednesday.

Today, we begin March 2024. In the past four years, a lot has changed. Our annual Lenten offering has also morphed. One year, a four-week Lenten study on grief held in a larger room around round tables. Last year, a generous Lenten luncheon highlighting our deep need for soul friends. This year, the opportunity has expanded again.

Talking in mid-December, a long time church member said, “Sue, will you help me to bring to life a program for our community? I think we really need to talk about how to discuss end-of-life issues as families in a positive, proactive way.” Having great ideas, this wise man was like a well-oiled locomotive. He asked, “Sue, might you help to put tracks beneath my train?”

Over the past few months, we have laid sturdy track, and on March 20th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, we will host in the Northside Church chapel a talk entitled “It’s Never Too Early: Finding Peace in the Planning.” On this special evening, we will host men and women of all ages who are interested in learning the top ten topics to discuss as we age well together as families.

Jesus said: “Don’t get lost in despair; believe in God, and keep on believing in Me. My Father’s home is designed to accommodate all of you. If there were not room for everyone, I would have told you that. I am going to make arrangements for your arrival. I will be there to greet you personally and welcome you home, where we will be together” (John 14:1-3, VOICE).

If Jesus is planning our eventual arrival into heaven, might we also find some peace in the planning as we discuss together key end-of-life issues?


P.S. This Northside Church event gathering welcomes all, men and women, young and old, individuals and families. Please read through the description of our evening and plan to join us, inviting your friends and family members. No registration is necessary.

It’s Never Too Early: Find Peace in the Planning

Wednesday, March 20th / Chapel
Presentation 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Q & A – 7:30 to 8:00 pm

Speakers: Mary Beth (Dickey) Walker, Horace Griffin, and Heather Flaherty (chaplains at Canterbury Court) and Ginna McFarling (experienced hospice nurse)

Join us for a supportive gathering where we’ll explore key end-of-life decisions in a proactive manner. This gathering will aim to open the door to intergenerational conversations and to provide compassionate, practical guidance. Here are some of the topics we’ll discuss:

– When could be the right time to make decisions about driving independence?
– What’s your dream living situation in your golden years – staying in your home or enjoying a vibrant senior living community?
– How can we best secure and have access to essential documents, passwords, and accounts?
– Have you considered the importance of an up-to-date will and chosen who would best represent your interests as power of attorney?
– At what point should we reach out to hospice services for additional support?
– How would you like your life story to be captured in an obituary?

Remember, these conversations are key to ensuring your wishes will be respected and fulfilled. With careful planning and open communication, we can approach the end of life with understanding and peace.

If you have any questions about this offering for our community, please reach out to me personally at or our Program Coordinator Christa Groves at