
Good morning…

I love the way God bubbles up to blossom between us.

The Holy Spirit nudged a loyal friend to share encouragement with our class yesterday: “Thinking of each of you and your families this 3rd Sunday in Lent. What a beautiful reflection below from my ever-favorite Henri Nouwen.”


The Spring of Living Water by Henri Nouwen from Show Me the Way – Daily Lenten Readings, 1992

In the midst of Lent I am made aware that Easter is coming again: the days are becoming longer, the snow is withdrawing, the sun is bringing new warmth, and a bird is singing. Yesterday, during the night prayers, a cat was crying! Indeed, spring announces itself. And today, O Lord, I heard you speak to the Samaritan woman. You said, “Anyone who drinks from the water that I shall give will never be thirsty again; the water that I shall give will turn into a spring inside him, welling up to eternal life.” What words! They are worth many hours, days, and weeks of reflection. I will carry them with me in my preparation for Easter. The water that you give turns into a spring. Therefore, I do not have to be stingy with your gift, O Lord. I can freely let the water come from my center and let anyone who desires drink from it. Perhaps I will even see this spring in myself when others come to it to quench their thirst.

As a deer yearns for running streams,
so I yearn for you, my God.
In you is the source of life, by your light we see the light.

[Psalm. 42:1; 36:9]




Endless streams.

Why be stingy with the gifts of God?

During the many hours, days, and weeks of Lenten reflection, may we continue to be quenched by the words of eternal life.


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