
Good morning…

As I was in Ohio visiting with my parents, my siblings, and the first grandbaby on our side of the family, I missed our weekly arts and crafts time at PAWkids in downtown Atlanta. With about ten committed PAWkids volunteers connected to our Women’s Ministry at Northside Church, the fun went on in my absence.

“Yesterday, we introduced tug o war and balloon volleyball with noodle bats,” Corinne Adams texted later. “Both a hit. Bead-making too, and there was nothing but joy!” She shared with me these awesome photos.


“Wow, these photos are fabulous,” I texted back. “So much authentic relationship is growing up in the heart of our community! It reminds me of when others would hold one of our newborns and I could see God’s miracle from a stepped back perspective, with new eyes.”

“Yes, sometimes it helps to watch the miracle from afar,” she replied. “We have birthed a beautiful baby.”

Bears will graze with the cows they used to attack; even their young will rest together, and the lion will eat hay, like gentle oxen. Neither will a baby who plays next to a cobra’s hole nor a toddler who sticks his hand into a nest of vipers suffer harm. All my holy mountain will be free of anything hurtful or destructive, for as the waters fill the sea, the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Eternal (Isaiah 11:7-9, VOICE).

Isn’t it exciting to watch God’s marvelous miracle growing up in the heart of our community?


P.S. PAWkids has a generous donor who is matching up to $30,000 of donations this week. If we donate to PAWkids today, our funds will be doubled.