
Good morning…

While nursing a partial tear in her ACL, our dog Tate chased after a squirrel, yelped really loud, fell to the ground, laid down for a long while, lame. That night we let Tate sleep outside for potty purposes. In solidarity, in case she needed help, I slept under a blanket on our outdoor couch beneath the emptying moon.

Then waking in the dark dawning hours, I opened the email below and, in solidarity of Spirit, I laid myself down in prayer beside my longtime friends.


Dear Faithful Prayer Warriors,

This is the email update I hoped that I would never have to write or send.

This morning, I had a very candid conversation with the ICU doctor overseeing Jerry’s care. I can honestly say that he told me much more about Jerry’s cancer recurrence than Jerry’s oncologist told previously. Jerry’s cancer is extremely aggressive, widespread throughout his abdomen, incurable and rarely responds to treatment. He told me that very often, people with this kind of cancer are not able to tolerate any of the treatments because they go downhill so fast. This is indeed what has happened to Jerry in the past few months. The doctor says that it is likely that the cancer was there months ago, even before the last scan, but the CT scan in June did not detect it because of the type of cancer it is. And that all of the events that Jerry has dealt with in the past few months are symptoms and signs of this cancer being present.

I tell you all of that to tell you that the doctor has informed us that there is no more than can do medically for Jerry. He is currently needing assistance to breathe because of all the fluid around the lungs. His heart is working very hard and has been for months. My friends, Jerry is very tired. He has fought this battle so bravely and had so many blessings along this journey, but he is tired and his body is wearing out. At Jerry’s request we plan to transition him to hospice care tomorrow. He will stay at Piedmont for this care.

We want you all to know that it is well with Jerry’s soul. It always has been. He is not afraid; he is at peace. As he told us last night – I am going to be completely healed in a few days and he will be – not in the way we hoped and prayed for – but he will be completely healed and whole. And most importantly of all – He KNOWS where he is going and WHO will be waiting there for him.

I want you know that our family can still use your prayers. Your prayers continue to hold us up. Thank you always for every prayer you pray on behalf of Jerry and our family.

As I was sitting in Jerry’s room today, this verse came to my mind, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted..” and I am so very glad He is.

With love and blessings and Salt and Light,



In the dark early hours of a new day, I emailed her right back.


Dear Anne…

I sit in tears weeping at the beautiful way you describe this faith journey with Jerry and God. Your vulnerable witness offers all of us the peace, the strength, and the love that only God can supply. We don’t determine our daily steps, we just walk on the path illuminated before us, empowered by the Spirit of our living God. You and Jerry continue to invite us onto this long, hard road with you, with honesty and grace. Thank you. As always, my prayers surround you and Jerry, day and night, night and day.

I love you and am so grateful you both feel God’s peace and presence,


Lying beside our dog Tate all night long is a marvelous metaphor for prayer. In silent solidarity, I “come to rest” beside Anne and Jerry as hospice helps to comfort him home. Might you join me, offering ongoing prayer support for Anne and Jerry, their loving family and their many friends? I totally agree with Anne. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted… and I am so very glad He is.”

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow] (Psalm 147:3, AMP).

Dear friends, I am so very glad He does.
