
Good morning…

Reflecting back over this first week in October, I see the love of God fanning out like a rainbow. I notice James 1:27 (MSG) taking up more real estate at the center of our soul. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

Last weekend and all through this week, we have prayed for hurricane Ian victims who suddenly lost their loved ones, their homes, and their settled ordinary lives. On Monday, we volunteered at PAWkids, homework helping with kids who are woefully behind educationally. On Tuesday with our mission circle at church, we made 45 weekend bags of food for families from a nearby school struggling with food insecurity. On Wednesday, we beaded bracelets at PAWkids before we served my homemade Stromboli and brownies for 40 at our first family style dinner. On Thursday, I attended a lively funeral at Salem Bible Church downtown for the 91 year old mother of my “brother in Christ,” a special friend in our weekly therapeutic community group of men and women, black and white, young and old. All week we have been gathering generous gift items for the 15 welcome bags for next week’s retreat at Ignatius House for women recovering from homelessness and addiction. How beautifully the love of God is quietly reaching out through us to support the homeless and the loveless in their plight.

“In today’s world it is easy to despair at any progress in our human journey,” writes Margaret Silf on page 18 of Simple Faith. “The news headlines emphasize the opposite kind of movement – a regression rather than a progression, and the return of chaos rather than growth toward a higher and more compassionate order. So which is right, the voice of despair or the voice of hope? Resignation to the apparent disintegration of society or the desire to turn things in a different direction?”

For inspiration, let’s turn in a different direction and experience the moving music video below, a creative collection of varied voices paving God’s pathway toward peace for all of us.


P.S. If you have an interest in PAWkids, please text me any questions at 404-401-8317 or sign up directly for these volunteer opportunities.

Homework Helper Signup:

(Description: Volunteer will be paired with a child to help assist with homework. Most of our kids can’t read, which makes it very challenging. We definitely need strong volunteers for this.)

Wednesday Arts and Crafts:

(Description: On Wednesdays we do center rotations that involve activities to help our kids deal with trauma, team building, leadership skills and much more. We need volunteers to help facilitate the centers.)

Family Dinner Signup:

(Description: Every other Wednesday we set up the tables and eat family style. We need volunteers that’s willing to sponsor food for dinner. It’s better to have the food catered and delivered to PAW)