
Good morning…

Today we are crossing the finish line of the marathon we began in 2019. Our planning for the Awake To Wholeness Women’s Retreat scheduled for March 28th, 2020 ended as COVID forced us instead to shelter in place. Our rescheduled retreat day is today. Please join us in any way the Spirit might lead.


Awaken to Wholeness Women’s Retreat
Saturday, November 6, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm, Livestream
In this special retreat for women, the authors of The Hidden Life Awakened and special guest leaders will take us through sessions to help us choose good health for our mind, body and spirit. We will reflect deeply on how to transform from within, and learn to live as God designed us – wholehearted and well-balanced. The retreat curriculum was inspired by the true story of Christian mystic Betty Skinner who journeyed from brokenness to wholeness through healing spiritual practice.
Okay, dear friends, here we go!
So much heart, energy, and problem-solving has gone into this challenging Covid switch to virtual learning, and we are deeply grateful and excited for it all. We can’t wait to share this unique experience with you as some gather at the church and others join us in spirit from cyberspace! God is preparing our hearts to give and receive this holy wisdom with the deep prayer that He will be glorified and many, many people will be blessed.
We have attached the syllabus for our retreat day. For those of you who will be joining us online, please print it out and bring it with you along with a pen, a journal or extra paper, and your copy of The Hidden Life Awakened. We will use it as our workbook.
Here is the Syllabus Link: Awaken to Wholeness Guide
Here is the Livestream Link:
Remember us in your prayers as God prepares all our hearts for a sacred experience of awakening. See you Saturday!
Trusting in His Mercy,
Kitty and Cathy


As authors Kitty Crenshaw and Dr. Cathy Snapp have nestled into our home with pianist and poet Dana Cunningham, we have feasted on the loving support of the planning committee from Peachtree Road United Methodist Church. Receiving a welcome bag to place on the bed of each presenter, I opened my gorgeous package to see this exquisite framed angel. Another Betty Skinner angel to add to my growing collection.

The Scripture on the back of the beautiful print offers incredible encouragement. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

May God’s healing power spread far and wide on this long awaited, highly anticipated day of retreat.
