Good morning…
Many of you have asked about our week long experience in the wilderness of Maine as Julie’s Dream chaperones with six guys, six girls, and three chaperones from PAWkids, a non-profit agency planted in the Grove Park neighborhood of inner city Atlanta. It is hard for me to find words to describe the rich, multi-layered experience.
So much to process. So much to learn.
So instead of a thousand words, I share with you a few photos as I seek to understand what it means for us to live in authentic relationship, blending backgrounds, bridging differences, developing friendships, as together we explore the life-giving gifts of our loving Creator.

“So pay careful attention to your hearts as you listen to my teaching, for to those who have open hearts, even more revelation will be given to them until it overflows. And for those who do not listen with open hearts, what little light they imagine themselves to have will be taken away” (Luke 8:18, TPT).