Good morning…
“Please stay with me on Monday,” she texted our friend group from Sloan Kettering in New York City where their teenaged daughter will undergo surgery to remove her recurring cancer. “It will be a long 10 hours.”
Spirit to Spirit, from Atlanta to Idaho to NYC, the texts of our five friends came delightfully close.
Little stories.
Longing, deep longing for God’s healing power.
“I did not make it to Mass,” wrote one friend, “but I stopped at Christ the King and left my prayers.” Sending the sacred photo above she wrote, “That candle is for all of you. Xo.”
God, come close. Come quickly! Open your ears—it’s my voice you’re hearing! Treat my prayer as sweet incense rising; my raised hands are my evening prayers (Psalm 141:1-2, MSG).
Now the hands of our hearts are joined from afar this important Monday, as we feel deeply privileged to stay with our dear friend. All morning. All evening. All through this dark night.
Encouragement from yesterday’s post lingers. Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you (James 4:8a, TPT). Empowered by the Spirit of God breathing within us, we draw close to our friend from afar. Inhaling and exhaling through hearts full of prayer, together we embody the living Lord who always stays with us.