Good morning…
In our blog posts this week, we have been exploring the tangled-up places inside of us, culminating in yesterday’s post, In This Chaos, Where Is God? Without skipping a beat one reader wrote: “I just read your morning offering and then opened this…”
“I can smooth out all the tangled-up places, including those in your mind and heart,” says God through the image above from the Sarah Young Jesus Calling message on the same morning, September 15, 2023. “The Holy Spirit binds us,” the subscriber concluded. “Thanks be to God.”
How often do you run into the phrase “tangled-up” in one ordinary day?
Remember? Another reader had written about the pain of church splitting, friendships ending, and questions about leaders, decisions, faith. She candidly asked, In This Chaos, Where is God? I took her wonderings into a deep time of prayer, creating these wordless prayer cards with God.

Soon came her response.
Dear Sue,
I expected pictures of hurricanes, whirlwinds, angry mobs or riots. But God sent quiet, hidden and unfathomable miracles, a true reminded that He works best in the unseen and unknown if we can just wait and hope and pray.
It will take me a while to work through this powerful message, but I am prayerfully grateful to Him and you for gently pulling me out of the noise and into the quiet of womb where the soft sounds of the heart comfort and promise. I will listen for that sound.
Blessings on you.
Quiet, hidden, unfathomable blessings are poured out on all of us each day. Will we just wait and hope and pray, listening for the sound of God’s softly beating heart?
My soul quietly waits for the True God alone because I hope only in Him (Psalm 62:5, VOICE).