
Good morning…

Yesterday, the first Sunday in Advent, my cell phone was filled with two tender text strings from our Monday and Friday groups. As our fall classes have ended, something new is beginning. Physically separate and mysteriously together, we’re texting to process new births, fresh fears, and cross country moves. We’re facing first holidays with cancer and first holidays without loved ones. We’re sharing family photos, verbalizing vulnerable prayers, and offering to each other living words of hope.

Each small circle of community makes God feel more real. As we interact in this invisible yet very tangible way, we remind me of the devotional message I enjoyed last week.


DAILY MEDITATION | NOVEMBER 26, 2022 – Community Makes God Visible by Henri Nouwen

Nothing is sweet or easy about community. Community is a fellowship of people who do not hide their joys and sorrows but make them visible to each other as a gesture of hope.

In community we say: “Life is full of gains and losses, joys and sorrows, ups and downs—but we do not have to live it alone. We want to drink our cup together and thus celebrate the truth that the wounds of our individual lives, which seem intolerable when lived alone, become sources of healing when we live them as part of a fellowship of mutual care.”

Community is like a large mosaic. Each little piece seems so insignificant. One piece is bright red, another cold blue or dull green, another warm purple, another sharp yellow, another shining gold. Some look precious, others ordinary. Some look valuable, others worthless. Some look gaudy, others delicate. We can do little with them as individual stones except compare them and judge their beauty and value. When, however, all these little stones are brought together in one big mosaic, portraying the face of Christ, who would ever question the importance of any one of them? If one of them, even the least spectacular one, is missing, the face is incomplete. Together in the one mosaic, each little stone is indispensable and makes a unique contribution to the glory of God. That’s community, a fellowship of little people who together make God visible in the world.


The world so desperately needs God to be made visible. Composing the compassionate face of Christ, we’re a fellowship of little people, unique and indispensable. We each provide puny pieces of one mysterious mosaic. For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6, NLT).
