
Good morning…

I open my inbox and connectivity flows. Invisible power trickles through a poem, a poem that makes me think of so many of you, you who live like trusted tributaries in my everyday life. Connection. Consistency. Continuity. As we live in oneness with God day and night, the ease-flow-peace of the living Spirit becomes in us an unstoppable river.


The Rivers in our Communities by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Some people are rivers—
always moving, always in flow.
Wherever they are,
life flourishes. They nourish,
they support, they sustain,
and they change the shape
of the landscape—
carving new paths around obstacles,
softening what is sharp.
Some people are rivers—
the lifeblood of a valley.
Forceful at times,
at other times gentle,
but constant, so constant
you could take them for granted—
like a woman with a headset
and a clipboard,
a pencil tucked in her hair
standing behind a curtain
so others can shine.
Some people are rivers.
You know who they are
because all around them
everything is growing,
everything they touch.
And you realize you can’t imagine
being without them—
everywhere you look,
you see how quietly,
how powerfully
they have transformed the world.


This ordinary week, a sacred sentence flows forward with us like a fresh fallen leaf riding atop the quiet current.

At the center of our innermost being,

we are transformed

to transform the world

with the gifts of God.




For who do you know that really knows you, knows your heart? And even if they did, is there anything they would discover in you that you could take credit for? Isn’t everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what’s the point of all this comparing and competing? You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle (1 Corinthians 4:7-8a, MSG).

We are a winding river. Always moving. Always in flow. Sometimes forceful, sometimes gentle, the Spirit living in our lungs is constant, so constant. With full access to the gracious gifts of God, we flourish and nourish. We support and sustain. We shape and soften, carving a new path around the sharp obstacles of this world. Everything is growing, everyone we touch, everywhere we look. As the lifeblood of this deep valley, God is so powerfully transforming the world’s landscape through us, dear friends.

