Good morning…
Around 7:00 pm on Thursday night, an email was sent out by The Lovett School. After nearly 29 years of serving as the head chaplain, my husband, Steve, is taking on a new role at the school next year. As Chaplain Emeritus, Steve will expand his pastoral care to the wider Lovett community and create a global travel program benefiting students, families, faculty and alumni. Enjoy reading about this new adventure, which will provide life-changing experiences for a community of awesome people we have grown to deeply love.
Dear Friends of Lovett,
When Steve Allen arrived in my office about a year ago to share that he was ready for a new challenge, I paused, having trouble imagining him not in his role. My worries immediately eased when Steve shared that he had a vision, one that would serve and strengthen our community, while fulfilling a long-held dream. It is with support and enthusiasm that I share that next fall Steve Allen will remain with Lovett in the new role of Chaplain Emeritus. Please join me in congratulating him on this new position!
We are truly blessed that Steve has been committed to our community for 29 years and thrilled that his legacy will carry on for many more! Please see a note from Steve below.
And to the Lovett community, I’m wishing you the warmest of holiday greetings.
Meredyth Cole
Head of School
Dear Lovett Community,
It has been one of the great blessings of my life to have served as chaplain to the Lovett community since first arriving on campus almost 29 years ago. I have shared in so many amazing experiences: teaching, coaching, leading chapels, performing weddings and funerals, leading trips across the world, sitting at games and concerts, not to mention watching all four of our children graduate from Lovett.
Over the past 35 years, I have guided students and adults on global and domestic travel: mission trips to Central and South America, vestry retreats to camps in Georgia and Alabama, and student and adult trips to Israel and Egypt. These trips are always transformative for me and for those who participate. I have long wanted to make these experiences more available not only to our students but to our vast network of families, alumni, faculty, and the wider Atlanta community.
With that in mind, I will be moving into a new role next fall, serving as Lovett’s Chaplain Emeritus. In this new position, I will continue to provide spiritual care for our extensive alumni community with whom I have developed longstanding and meaningful relationships, presiding over weddings, funerals, baptisms, and offering pastoral counseling support when needed. I will also oversee a global travel initiative that serves as an enrichment program for the entire Lovett community to experience life-changing travel opportunities. While I will carry out my role as Upper School chaplain through the rest of this school year, I will also be working to build this new program so that we can hit the ground running, offering trips for the 2024-2025 academic year.
I have been overwhelmed with love and support from the Lovett community for the past 29 years, and I look forward to continuing our relationship for many more years to come.
Rev. Steve Allen
You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor (James 3:18, MSG). We feel incredibly grateful to have been connected to a healthy, robust community of Lovett faculty and alumni families for nearly twenty-nine years. As Steve turns 61-years-old on Christmas Eve, one week from tomorrow, it will be fun to see him end this school year well before beginning his new adventure.