
Good morning…

In the midst of my deep prayer time, the Spirit invites me to step outside, onto our back porch. Serenaded by cicadas, I snap a picture of the full moon hiding behind layers of lush tree limbs. Strangely, the tone of light in the dark of this night makes the setting feel surreal. Weird. Unusual. Kinda dream-like. I guess this snapshot of the outer world mysteriously mirrors the way I feel inside. Peculiar. Strange. A little wonky.

So many people I love are facing scans and surgeries, tests and treatments, difficult diagnoses and really hard decisions. From where I stand right now, the full moon is blocked and obscured. Yet, my lack of clear sight makes the bold existence of the full moon no less real.

God, my God, might your healing presence be the same?

Now the power that has planned this experience for us is God, and he has given us his Spirit as a guarantee of its truth. This makes us confident, whatever happens…for we have to live by trusting him without seeing him (2 Corinthians 5:5-7, PHILLIPS).
