Good morning…
“Looking forward to what this new year holds,” I wrote to end my text.
“I am as well…” she replied from California. “Full moon tonight out here and clear skies with loads of stars. Easy to be in awe of the power of the Spirit and God’s plan with this sky.”
“We forget sometimes,” she added.
Myself? I had forgotten about tonight’s full moon. Earlier in the week, I had remember it was coming. Tonight, I had totally forgotten.
Grateful for God’s strong and subtle reminder trickling through the text of a faraway friend, I opened our front door and, stepping down the stairs, I stood barefoot in the rain-soaked grass. Slowly I turned around to find the full moon hanging high above our home. No clear skies. No loads of stars. Even with thick storm clouds ladening our southern sky, it was easy to be in awe. Really easy to be in awe.
Breaking through clear starry nights and thick stormy clouds, the power of the Spirit and the plan of God are constantly written in the sky. We forget sometimes. From all across the globe, might we remind each other regularly?
Step outside.
Stand barefoot.
Turn around.
Be in awe.
Those who inhabit the boundaries of the earth are awed by Your signs, strong and subtle hints of Your indelible presence (Psalm 65:8a, VOICE).
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