
Good morning…

As we walked around the horse farm, we talked candidly about the unstoppable transitions closing in on each of us. We shared our fears, our insecurities, our mistakes, and our doubts. At one moment along the path, we naturally stopped for a tender, tearful embrace. It felt right, totally right, enveloping each other in a hug, a spontaneous response from feeling life’s really real with each other over decades of friendship. We bonded over our deep desire for God’s plan to unfold with clarity in this next chapter of our lives.


She mentioned a music video she loves to listen to for inspiration when she is wondering about God’s vision for whatever lies ahead. Adopting her suggestion, I came right home and savored for myself Audrey Assad’s version of Be Thou My Vision. For me, it is a wow, a tangible reminder that God gradually illuminates the pathway ahead, always has and always will, as heavenly timing grows ripe.

Maybe you are also maneuvering your way through an unstoppable transition in your own life, coping with fears and insecurities, rehashing mistakes, doubting yourself. Do you wonder about God’s vision for whatever lies ahead for you? As we begin this unformed day, I pray that this music video might become a source of inspiration to you as well. As Mother Theresa said, “Silence is the beginning of prayer.” Beginning in silence, might we watch this inviting video as part of our morning prayer?

Where there is no vision from God, the (thoughts of the) people run wild, but those who adhere to God’s instruction know genuine happiness (Proverbs 29:18, VOICE). Receiving a colorful glimpse of God’s guiding vision, may we savor genuine happiness, my friends.
