Good morning…
She shared with us a photo when we met for class, a photo from St. Luke’s church in Baton Rouge (her husband’s parents’ church) that burned last weekend. We marveled at the cross standing strong amid the fiery devastation.
As I later read about the fire, I was struck by this hopeful line shared by Father Bryan Owen: “In the face of adversity, let us find solace and strength in our fellowship with God and each other.”
In so many ways, our whole world feels on fire.
Tragic death.
Unbelievable grief.
So so much suffering.
In the face of such adversity, might we also find solace and strength in our fellowship with God and each other?
Living in the Most High’s shelter, camping in the Almighty’s shade, I say to the Lord, “You are my refuge, my stronghold! You are my God—the one I trust!” (Psalm 91:1-2, CEB).
As old securities burn away, might the living presence of the Almighty become our shelter, our shade, our strong refuge? From the charred ashes of this Lenten season, might we turn toward the Lord and quietly whisper, “You are my God – the one I trust!”
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