Learning From Dark Emotions

Good morning... God's timing is interesting. During this tremendously difficult week, "Dark Emotions" is the name of the chapter we are discussing in Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor. Dark emotions. Fear. Despair. Sadness. We don't like them. In their presence, our natural tendency is to run and hide. Avoid. Deny. Yet Barbara encourages [...]

By |2023-10-13T08:52:21-04:00October 13th, 2023|Fear, Healing, Light In Darkness|

Heal + Thrive – You Are Loved

Good morning... Up in the middle of the night, I tried to write a message about the life-altering week of my friend LaTonya Gates, founder and director of PAWkids. After hours of crafting and re-crafting, the message oddly zapped away. Twice. The words and images, touched by some human error of mine, simply evaporated. Twice. So, I gave [...]

By |2023-09-26T08:43:44-04:00September 26th, 2023|Community, God's Love, Healing|

Audrey Amazes Everyone

Good morning... This wordless prayer card I created, which remains front and center for me this week, depicts my deepest desire for Audrey DeShetler: May she live to be a wise, old woman. A resilient eighteen year old, who is battling through her fifth relapse, Audrey was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age five. Being treated with risky radioactive [...]

By |2023-08-16T08:11:06-04:00August 16th, 2023|God's Timing, Healing, Prayer|

My God, I Need You Now

Good morning... As she sat beside the piano, her need was deep and her voice was crystal clear. She sang out to the God of Jacob and Moses, of Mary and David. The same God who worked back then works in us now. Providing. Moving in power. Healing. Saving. Facing the challenges of our daily lives, we call [...]

By |2023-07-17T02:36:58-04:00July 17th, 2023|Faith, Healing, Trust God|

Audrey Relapsed Again

Good morning... Audrey DeShelter has lived in my deepest prayers since she was diagnosed with cancer at age five. She is now an amazing young woman, a spectacular student heading into her senior year of high school. Her mom, Jennifer, was in my Bible study at the time Audrey's neuroblastoma was detected, and we have been closely bonded, [...]

By |2023-07-13T03:58:57-04:00July 13th, 2023|Healing, Prayer, Trust God|

What I Crave Most

Good morning... On behalf of friends going through very challenging circumstances, I crave the healing presence of God. I yearn for God, the all-powerful God, to show up in undeniable ways, ways we can see, sense, surrender into, fully. Just like a deer that craves streams of water, my whole being craves you, God. My whole being thirsts [...]

By |2023-07-08T02:58:29-04:00July 8th, 2023|Everyday life, Healing, Trust God|

The Healing Power Of Our Pets

Good morning... My friend has a cat who companions her beautifully. Our little dog is a lot like her cat. Our precious pets teach us so much about love, about life, about God's gentle presence. I was recently nudged to email my friend: "This poem made me think of you, rocking with your cat curled on your lap, [...]

By |2023-06-22T06:57:57-04:00June 22nd, 2023|Everyday life, Healing, Silence And Solitude|

Under All Our Layers

Good morning... After we shared deeply about the pain she was enduring, one friend prayed for another friend over the phone. Capturing the compassion in my journal, I jotted down many of her vulnerable words. Now in the middle of the night I revisit my notes, piecing together this heartfelt prayer. Dear gracious God, Raw and in process, [...]

By |2023-05-03T03:22:11-04:00May 3rd, 2023|Authenticity, Healing, Prayer|

Pass Out The Pansies

Good morning... Four thousand neighbors and me, we still have no internet. So, once again, no blogging in the middle of the night. Still stirred awake in the wee hours, I was drawn to another form of creativity. Accessing the healing power of pansies! Yesterday, I had cut some pansies from our neighborhood's dying patch before they are [...]

By |2023-04-27T07:12:32-04:00April 27th, 2023|Community, God's Love, Healing|

This One Thing

Good morning... She texted me the photo above after enjoying yesterday's post, Power Drained Out Of Me. Having gone with her church to the Holy Land the day after our group returned from our trip in March, she wondered, "Did you guys go to this church (please don't ask me where) in Israel with this painting of the [...]

By |2023-04-20T07:58:39-04:00April 20th, 2023|God's Love, Healing, Trust God|
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