Good morning…

Along life’s way, many women lose at least one child to miscarriage or to a full term still birth. I myself had four miscarriages before giving birth to our four great kids. This is a quiet grief with empty arms, a grief which reshapes our soul.

“It is good for me to stop and feel the loss sometimes,” wrote a friend yesterday who had a still birth years ago before giving birth to five healthy children. “It is difficult to lose a child before they have lived outside the womb – and have been so present in your life. But our son did live and I was the only one who really got to experience that.”

“On the show Yellowstone,” she continued, “they had a Native American funeral for a baby killed in utero in a car crash. The grandfather said to the mother, ‘He knew the depth of your love.’ What a beautiful statement. We do know he is our only kid who didn’t have any problems and the only one with perfect parents.”

It is good to stop and feel the loss sometimes before we move on through life.

“Just left you a message,” a friend texted at 5:33 pm last November 29th. “My daughter’s baby did not have a heart beat this afternoon so we are devastated. Called to see if you had any advice.”

I remember calling her back right away. With little advice but large listening ears, we talked and cried and shared our souls. Our Friday group walked closely with our soul friend through the grief of losing her first grandchild to a sudden miscarriage.

Then last month she shared this Instagram post written by her daughter.

Today is the day. One year exactly since her shocking miscarriage. Ironically and perfectly, God’s healing power silently laces our sorrow with abundant joy. Today we are all praying for our friend and her daughter as she is induced around 9:00 am to begin the process of birthing their family’s first breathing baby boy. Thank you for joining us in our prayers of support for this young family with two boys. One in heaven. One on earth.

Thanks be to God. His grace lasts a lifetime. The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning (Psalm 30:5b, VOICE).
