
Good morning…

On Friday, November 4th, I was having one of those mornings. Down on me. Beating myself up. Frustrated with a selfish choice. After lingering longer motionless in bed, I went to my phone and opened this text.

“Hey Sue!” she wrote. “I am thinking I will have an art show at my home studio. I would like to donate a percentage of the proceeds to a particular charity. I have a few in mind, but wondered if you had a group or individual that could use some additional support. Let me know.”

“Wow, the timing of your text is just amazing,” my mood lift immediately. “I have been doing a lot with PAWkids, a non-profit downtown that serves the neediest kids in the poorest part of our Atlanta community.” I told her about the fun we have in Grove Park each week and shared smiling pictures, gushing, gushing, gushing.

“That works for me!” she replied. “Now I have to get the courage up to open my home for an art show. I am thinking the show will be November 30th from 3-7. Would you be available to help monitor my home?”

Yesterday I embodied my wholehearted “YES” as I went to my friend’s home studio instead of our Wednesday arts and crafts time at PAWkids.

Art, art everywhere!


What colorful joy!

Food and friends and fabulous variety.

Time magically melted into what Martin Luther King, Jr. called “walking in the light of creative altruism.”

As I arrived home around 8:30 pm, I opened an email from a friend who had spent the afternoon at PAWkids. “Hope you had great fun and raised a lot of money tonight!” she wrote. “We did wild messy art as we helped the kids fill glass Christmas balls to take home. Woohoo!”

Art, art everywhere!

Walking in the light of creative altruism from Buckhead to Bankhead on one fun filled day, together we embodied our wholehearted “YES!” If we walk step by step in the light, where the Father is, then we are ultimately connected to each other (1 John 1:7a, VOICE).


P.S. Please let me know if you want to join us at PAWkids as we do arts and crafts from 4:00 to 6:00 pm on Wednesdays.

P.S.S. Interested in an amazing piece of art? Feel free to reach out to Sally Mitchell directly to browse her creative collection. Tell her Sue sent you!
