We All Need A Little Mercy Now

Good morning... The rains held off, and we walked in wonderful weather, mild and inviting. Along our way, we ran into two 'soul friends' also walking and talking at the horse farm. One is supporting her husband through treatment for his pancreatic cancer and the other is blossoming beautifully on the other side of a divorce and remarriage [...]

By |2023-04-16T22:52:19-04:00April 14th, 2023|God's Love, Imperfection, Trust God|

I Saw The Spirit Spread

Good morning... This Easter season, I saw God's Spirit creatively at work, loving, spreading, multiplying. I witnessed the words of Jesus coming true before our very eyes: "I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am [...]

By |2023-04-10T10:30:48-04:00April 10th, 2023|Community, God's Love, Transformation|

Holding An Empty Womb

Good morning... "Mary at the Base of the Cross," reads the title of this painting by Chris Gollon. The mood is melting, silent, somber. Even the glow of the moon drains down like a tear. Helpless hands hug weathered wood. One hand is upright, sturdy like a back bone. The other is cupped, holding an empty womb. Hollowed-out [...]

By |2023-04-08T13:00:18-04:00April 8th, 2023|Death And Resurrection, God's Love, Home|

Who Are Your Soul Friends?

Good morning... "A soul friend is a person you trust enough to share some of the deepest matters of your heart, someone who will listen to what you share without any kind of judgement, without trying to "fix" anything, and without flattering or criticizing you," writes Margaret Silf on page 47 of Simple Faith. "He or she will, [...]

By |2023-03-03T16:21:53-05:00March 3rd, 2023|Friendship, God's Love, True Self|

Remnants Of A Beloved Life

Good morning... "Sue," she emailed after yesterday's post, When Our Old Life Ends. "I awake these days into your sacred hours...4AM...sometimes with clear knowledge of what I must do this day...this morning with a practical breakthrough of thought...and also deep journaling about my gratitude for the abundant surround sound love and support I am being blessed with...and some [...]

By |2023-02-17T12:56:09-05:00February 17th, 2023|Everyday life, Friendship, God's Love|

Fall In Love. Stay In Love.

Happy Valentine's Day... "I have loved you just as My Father has loved Me," whispers Jesus in John 15:9 (NLV). "Stay in My love." Find God everywhere. Fall in love. Stay in love. God's absolute love changes everything, finally. ...Sue... P.S. Thanks to all who purchased items for the Valentine's Day party at PAWkids. The personalized gift baskets, [...]

By |2023-02-14T08:23:11-05:00February 14th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Transformation|

The Revolution Of Tenderness

Good morning... "The Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others, with their physical presence which challenges us, with their pain and their pleas, with their joy which infects us in our close and continuous interaction," says Pope Francis. "True faith in the incarnate Son of God is inseparable from self-giving, from [...]

By |2023-02-09T04:53:59-05:00February 9th, 2023|Community, God's Love, Transformation|

Sitting With The Broken

Good morning... A forever friend sent me the image above. "I'm not interested in whether you've stood with the great. I'm interested in whether you've sat with the broken." True. Tender. Touching. I sense the nod of God. Words we read aloud in our Sunday afternoon class now bring this quote to life. ****** Excerpt from pages 17 [...]

By |2023-02-01T07:45:41-05:00January 31st, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Imperfection|

Living Fully In Toxic Times

Good morning... As we move through this first month of this brand new year, we are repeatedly reminded that the world's ways oppose the ways of God. War. Greed. Violence. Injustice. Innocent death after innocent death. How are we to respond? Becoming a vessel of healing light and resurrected life in today's toxic times, we deepen down into [...]

By |2023-01-28T01:36:31-05:00January 28th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Joy|

Sit With It And Heal

Good morning... After snapping a photo of still branches silhouetted in purple gray, I revisit a quote shared by a friend before the dawn of a new day. "Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Even though you want to run. Even when it’s heavy and difficult. Even though you’re not quite sure [...]

By |2023-01-27T09:59:57-05:00January 27th, 2023|God's Love, Healing, Silence And Solitude|
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